Wanderings in nature!


This is the only sycamore forest in Greece, close to the sea, which is located at the edge of the village, with the small church of Agios Ioannis, builted by the refugees who where settled in Stavros, after the persecution of 1922, during the Minor Asia Catastrophe.

A walk in the deep shade of the old trees, offers relaxing moments of coolness during the summer season, while within the area there are volleyball, basketball facilities, playgrounds as well as recreation areas for all ages.




The Castle of Rentina is located on the top of a hill, next to the Richio River and is a landscape of insurmountable beauty. The area with the unique vegetation is protected by international conventions, being one of the most important areas of the planet, with environmental importance.

Especially the vegetation of this small valley, may be inspired the tragic poet Euripides to write his work "Bacchus". It is also known that the poet died and was buried here.


At the 75th km of the old Thessaloniki-Kavala national road, just a few kilometers from Stavros, is locatedthe Church of Agia Marina.

The small church with its special post-Byzantine architecture was built in the middle of the 18th century and is an important attraction for visitors to the area.


The new building that of the Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis, was completed in 1995. In its exhibition spaces, the history of Amphipolis is presented, from the prehistoric to the later Byzantine years, with findings from the surrounding area and reflect the historical course of the city. 

Entering the museum, the visitor can admire the silver reliquary and the golden wreath of olive leaves, found in a tomb at the foundation of the museum. 


This is the ancient city of Central Macedonia, near the eastern coast of the Halkidiki peninsula. 

The city is known as the birthplace of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. The foundation of Stageira is dated to the year 655 BC. and was carried out by Ionian colonists of Andros.


Lake Volvi as well as Lake Koroneia, which is only 11.5 km away from Stavros, are a wetland of international importance under the name "Koroneia - Volvi Lakes".

For the information of visitors as well as for research purposes, the Koroneia - Volvi Wetland Information Center, operates in the Apollonia village. As part of its activities, the Center presents an environmental report of the lake and the species of organisms that hosts, accompanied by informative material and walks in the area, lasting 30 minutes.


The Loutra area of ​​N. Apollonia, on the old national road Thessaloniki - Kavala, is an ideal destination for relaxation, combining the beauty of the lake, the mountain and the pure atmosphere of the countryside.

The therapeutic properties of hot springs, are mainly based on the composition of the elements of the water, as well as its temperature.

The water of the thermal springs is characterized as superheated (Na, K, SO4, HCO3, F, B) oligometallic and hypotonic, with a temperature of 49°C – 57°C. The springs have a radioactivity of 2.55 Mache units and are classified as alkaline sulfur springs.

At the same point, visitors can see a second bath tub, of the ruined Byzantine bath, which is a monument of archaeological importance. The bath tub is characterized as an alkaline sulfur source of radioactivity, with 4.35 Mache units and its temperature reaches close to 38oC.


Mount Athos, is an autonomous and self-governing region of Greece. Occupies the entire third peninsula of Halkidiki, about 50 km long and 8-12 km wide, covering an area of ​​330 square kilometers.

In the center of the Mount Athos peninsula, rise many hills and mountains, with the peak of Mount Athos, reaching 2,033 meters above sea level. 

The district of this monastic state, where it meets the rest of Greece, is marked by an imaginary line from Frangokastro, on the west coast to Cape Arapi on the opposite coast passing through the foothills of the mountain "Megali Vigla" 



The most important administrative, cultural and business center in northern Greece, and the second largest city in Greece. A medium-sized city located by the sea, with a population of over 1.1 million in its metropolitan area. It is bathed by the Aegean Sea, one hour from Mount Olympus and half an hour from wonderful beaches, with a short flight from the capitals of the Balkan, Mediterranean and all European countries.

The New York Times recognized Thessaloniki, as one of the 52 places one must visit in 2016, with an emphasis on its gastronomy. There are more cafes per capital than any other European city, according to The National Geographic. Ranked in "Top 10 Nightlife Cities" for 2015 and "Best Trips 2013". One of the best medium-sized European cities of the future for 2014, in the Financial Times' Human Capital and Lifestyle Index.